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Gampelen (CH)


Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday: 08:00 am - 06:30 pm

Saturday: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm

Sundays and Holidays: CLOSED

Your partner shop in Gampelen: Blumenmarkt

If you would like to discover Fellhof products on site, you are cordially invited to visit our partner shop or browse the website:



Neuenburgstrasse 79

CH-3236 Gampelen


Tel.:   +41 32 313 13 06

Fellhof Shop Locations Gampelen

Buy sheepskin products in Switzerland 

With over 20,000m² of floor space, the Blumenmarkt Dietrich garden centre in Gampelen has everything you need for your home, garden, and well-being. Now, it also includes a selection of soft, fluffy Fellhof products including lush sheepskins, comfy slippers and stylish decorative bullhides.

Blumenmarkt Dietrich’s expert team are ready to help answer any questions you may have about Fellhof products.

We look forward to seeing you! 

Fellhof®-products available at the Gampelen Fellhof Shop

When you buy sheepskin products in Gampelen, you can be assured you are getting the best quality. That’s because at Fellhof® the welfare of our sheep and the conditions in which they live is incredibly important to us. Our sheep live in large herds on sprawling pastures and are carefully shorn once a year. Lambskin is a very valuable natural product with advantages that simply can’t be beaten by synthetic materials. It warms in winter and cools in summer, is durable, easy to care for and well suited for many different uses. Come to our new Fellhof Shop in Gampelen and see our excellent quality first hand!

Products available in the Swiss Fellhof Shop

Discover the variety of lambskin and bullhide products from Fellhof! Decorative sheepskins and bullhides, clothing, baby products and home décor: the range of Fellhof products is extensive! The following Fellhof products are available in the Gampelen Fellhof Shop: 

  • top-quality slippers made from natural lambskin
  • a wide range of baby and kids’ products including footmuffs and shoes
  • winter boots and outdoor shoes for women, men and children
  • leather accessories: wallets and bag
  • hats and gloves made from sheepskin
  • Merino knit hats, scarves and headbands
  • and much more…

Visit the Fellhof shop in Gampelen and experience the high quality of our products and the wide variety Fellhof has to offer!