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Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 10:00 am – 06:00 pm 

Saturday: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sundays and Holidays: CLOSED

Click & Collect is available!

Browse our online store, place your Click & Collect order and collect it in-store at your convenience.

Kramergasse 4

A-9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


Tel.:   +43 6229 3677056

Fellhof Shop Klagenfurt – Kramergasse 

Fellhof Klagenfurt open now! 

The doors to a paradise of comforting natural products are wide open. Welcome to the brand new Fellhof shop in the heart of Klagenfurt, Kramergasse 4. Situated where Klagenfurt's oldest chemist 'Parfümerie Max Wolf' used to be located. Now your expert for lambskin, merino accessories and high quality leather goods is preserving these halls so rich in tradition.

We are delighted to be able to offer all lambskin lovers in Austria's southernmost provincial capital professional advice and assistance in making the world even cozier!

Buy lambskin products in Carinthia

No matter what time of year - lambskin offers many benefits for people of all ages. Discover the variety of high-quality lambskin and merino products from Fellhof directly on site, in the heart of Klagenfurt. Professional advice awaits you in the historic ambience of the Rainerhof on a sales area of approx. 60 m2. Stop by and let yourself be enchanted by lambskin.


Überblick über das breite Sortiment von Fellhof:

  • Bequeme Hausschuhe
  • Winterstiefel für Damen, Herren und Kinder
  • Mützen, Handschuhe & Schals aus 100% echter Merinowolle
  • Stilvolle Auswahl an Lammfellen und Stierfellen
  • Hochwertige Babyartikel mit Lammfell
  • u.v.m.

Besuche uns im Fellhof Shop Klagenfurt in der Kramergasse, schau dich um und kaufe deine Lieblingsprodukte aus Lammfell direkt vor Ort. Wir freuen uns auf dich!